Tuesday, June 22, 2010


We always hear that ignorance is bliss, but I beg to differ on a simple technicality. Though it may be bliss for the ignorant, it's a hell of a lot more annoying for everyone else involved. There are so many different mediums of the media nowadays and information, though its credibility can be sketchy sometimes, is easily available.
How is it, that although this massive amount of information, available through a growing number of outlets, is used so sparingly? Or if it's even used at all?
This post isn't supposed to be a ranting and raving conglomerate of my petty pet-peeves, but sometimes people need to think and educate themselves before they decide to 'contribute' to the conversation.
I'm not saying that I don't think people should have their own opinions, because it's new opinions and thought processes that have made the world as it is today. What I don't think people should do, myself included, is make rash assumptions about people, policies, etc and voicing them, without learning the facts first. It's just very frustrating to me, because I run into it all the time.

I know that I don't really need to continue on with this (and I really could), because I feel like I'd simply be restating the same thing over and over again; making for a very dull and boring post.
My advice: "If you cannot contribute thoughtful and meaningful substance to the conversation, just sip your drink and listen."
That's all for tonight everyone. G'Night!

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